
Monday, August 7, 2023

Articles are shit.

Apple Girl

     Many articles, particularly in business and entertainment, seem to prioritize clickbait headlines and superficial content over substance. While some publications maintain high standards, many others appear to have abandoned rigorous journalism in favor of chasing trends and appealing to the lowest common denominator.

This trend is evident in the prevalence of articles that exaggerate scientific findings, draw questionable conclusions, or focus excessively on sensational topics like Donald Trump. Meanwhile, meaningful discussions and in-depth analysis are often overlooked.

The decline in the quality of online content is not limited to professional publications. Even on personal blogs and social media, many individuals seem more interested in expressing their opinions than engaging in thoughtful discourse. This is reflected in the frequent ad hominem attacks and knee-jerk reactions that dominate many online spaces.

This phenomenon isn't new. Jonathan Franzen's essay "The Reader in Exile" explored the decline of reading and the rise of superficial entertainment. The film "Idiocracy" satirized a future where intelligence and critical thinking are devalued.These warnings, however, seem to have gone largely unheeded.

The current political climate, with the potential return of Donald Trump to power, highlights the consequences of a society that prioritizes entertainment over education and critical thinking. Many individuals lack basic scientific knowledge and seem unwilling or unable to engage in reasoned debate.

While I'm not immune to making assumptions or overlooking information, I strive to base my opinions on evidence and logical reasoning. However, I'm often dismayed by the prevalence of individuals who confidently espouse opinions on complex issues without demonstrating a basic understanding of the underlying facts.

This is not limited to any particular political group; both progressives and conservatives are susceptible to this tendency.It's disheartening to see people who can't manage their own lives confidently dictating how society should function.

It's important to be critical of information we encounter, regardless of the source. We should strive to base our opinions on evidence and be willing to revise them when presented with new information. Only then can we hope to have meaningful conversations and make informed decisions about the issues that affect us all.

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